Event Manager – Duties & Responsibilities

KWP Kochi Event Management corporate event management

Event management in Ernakulam and rest of Kerala as a business has shown tremendous growth in the recent past. But the tasks involved are truly tedious and can go messy if not been managed with dedication and innovation. The event organizers or the managers act as the backbone to run the show successfully.

Some of the major tasks of an Event manager:

  • Planning, developing and delivering the proposed events with an aim to find prospects from the served clients.
  • Executing the event on time, within the framed budget and possibly giving the best service possible.
  • Maintaining a healthy relationship with the clients, matching the timeline and also able to prioritize events not just at a monetary benefit but also on the promised agreement with the client.
  • De-centralized manager is always respected by his team, by which the team eventually delivers  the assigned work as planned by the manager.
  • An healthy relationship with suppliers is a must. You never know which supplier comes in your needful time.
  • The other departments like operations and administration equally plays an important role. Th event manager should ensure that these functionalities are according to the plan and are been executing with efficiency.
  • Timely boasting can increase the efficiency of the team. The Event manager should be standing as the first person to take the lead, motivate his team, guide and deal with the uncertainties wisely.
  • Though the manager assigns different tasks to his team, it is always advisable to inspect or check with how the tasks are been performed, correct at the initial stage from something wrong happening then regret reaching the deadline.
  • Rather than posing the responsibility on a particular department, the manager should be able to have controls and stand responsible from the beginning till the end.
  • Research to find the right venue based on the target audience and the budget.
  • A good event manager will not just arrange a venue and further other arrangements but also would be in a position to suggest the client with the best possibilities.
  • Price negotiation with the client, staff hiring and maintaining expenses record are some common yet important tasks that an event manager should be able to participate in.
  • Coordinate with the creative and marketing team to make the reach even bigger as well as design client solutions
  • Design various event proposals to a brief client and coordinate  with the board members to perform all the activities in the determined format
  • Look for possible participation internally and externally, learn and implement within the company for a better growth.
  • Maintain registration booths for events, identify volunteers and also inform the press.
  • Distribute all event maps, coordinate with vendors to sign the contract in legal procedure and act upon the same. This will stand as a legal proof for any mismatch on percentage agreed contract period or any other terms and conditions signed with the party.
  • It often happens that, when customer service is good we may miss the delivery time or vice versa. Manager should work hand in hand with the team ensuring both excellent customer service and quality delivery are met.


Blog by Staff Member of KWP Kochi Event Management. It’s one of the famous Event Management Company based in Cochin