20×20 Pagoda Rental Cost in Kerala

Pagoda arabian tent work Kochi Kerala

What would be the cost of 20×20 Pagoda? If you are an Event management company like us, you must be curious about that. Here’s a quick answer for that. The cost of pagoda depends on its years of oldness ( purchased date) and its current condition.

The event Management companies arrange pagoda tents as per the requirement of customers. Here are the normal rates of 20×20 Pagoda followed by Event Planners.

20×20 Pagoda: Rs. 5000 + Transportation Expense

20×20 Pagoda Second Quality: Rs. 4,000 + Expense


For More Info, Contact KWP Kochi Event Management.

Currently, we are one of the best Event Management Companies in Cochin and Ernakulam.